5 tips to stay motivated to lose weight
- 2 Minutes Read
Has the excitement of tracking worn off and made it challenging to stay motivated to lose weight? For some people, the scale serves as a natural motivator. If it accurately reflects your hard work, all is good. Yet, if you have been following a healthy lifestyle and not seeing the results you desire, your motivation may start to dip. These 5 tips can help you keep progressing on your weight-loss journey and reach your health goals.
If you’ve lost weight in the past, you are familiar with the dedication and focus that comes at the start of any program when meal planning and bypassing temptations come quickly.
Then, as time passes, life gets busy, and a weight-loss plateau may set in.
“The key to staying motivated to lose weight is similar to the [amount of] fuel in a car–you don’t need the motivation tank to be full to drive; you just need to prevent it from running empty,” says Joshua C. Klapow, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and author of Living SMART: 5 Essential Skills to Change Your Health Habits Forever.
Might you envision your motivation in this way? Many assume that their motivation and dedication to their new lifestyle will feel the same on the first day of their eating plan as 6 months into it. This is likely not the case, and that’s ok!
If you want ideas for reconnecting with some of that initial energy and interest, like at the start of your weight-loss journey, you are in the right place. Keep reading for more tips!
Many people find their motivation tank stays full if they step back from focusing on the scale and instead take some time to acknowledge non-scale victories.
Track inches lost or how clothes fit. In the MyNetDiary app, tap on “Measurements” from your dashboard to record things such as waist or hip size. You can also create a custom tracker and record daily energy levels or self-confidence.
Capturing regular progress photos provides feedback that the scale might miss. You can track visual progress in the MyNetDiary app by tapping Me >Progress Photos. Then, save the photos or share your success via email or text with friends and family.
Logging your food and exercise is incredibly important when it comes to losing weight. Yet, if your motivation is dipping, consider tracking other daily nuanced aspects of your journey, such as your mood, thoughts, digestion, etc. You can do this in the MyNetDiary app under “Notes.” Just look for the paperclip icon on the dashboard to access this feature.
Many people find their motivation and willpower levels are highest in the morning. Do you have an easier time preparing a nutritious breakfast than avoiding after-dinner snacking?
As we move through the day, we make numerous decisions regarding what to eat/what to avoid and how to do it. Willpower is like a muscle that gets fatigued from use. If your willpower or motivation levels dip in the afternoon, try taking some time for yourself before the slump hits.
For example, take a walk after lunch, find time for deep breathing, or listen to affirmations while driving. Taking care of yourself and decompressing can help prevent overeating and keep your motivation levels from dipping too low.
Did you know that reconnecting with your values can inspire you to take action regarding health and weight loss?
Identify why you embarked on this weight-loss journey in the first place. For example, did you seek better health, more energy, or to stay active with grandkids?
Paying attention to the “why” can help you stay motivated to lose weight.
Find a creative way to remain mindful of your “why.”
For example, you may keep a list on your phone wallpaper or ask Siri to remind you of your why after dinner. This simple reminder may prevent you from engaging in evening snacking.
Your body naturally rewards you for losing weight by giving you more energy and better sleep. Many people stay motivated to lose weight if they treat themselves with an external reward for small wins.
Consider rewarding a positive behavior to reinforce its continuation. For example, reward yourself after working out at home 3 days a week by treating yourself to a new workout outfit, book, or spa treatment. Consider scheduling a larger reward for yourself after you reach a weight-loss milestone, such as losing 10 pounds. Rewards go a long way to helping you stay the course and keep your motivation tank from dipping too low. You’ve got this!
Need fresh ideas to keep motivated to lose weight? Here’s how
4 Easily-achieved weight-loss secrets from people who have lost over 30 pounds
How to stay motivated and avoid food-log fatigue
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