Be Healthy
for Life!

Your weight loss, diet, and
nutrition assistant.

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Top Rated: 184,041 reviews & counting
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“You really can't go wrong with MyNetDiary
as a scientifically-proven way to help you lose weight”

What it takes to succeed

Find your Diet

Find a diet that fits your lifestyle: Calorie Counting, Low-Carb, Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian and more.

Set Your Targets

Choose your desired weekly weight loss rate, target date, and source of calories like fat, carbs, and proteins.

Log Your Meals & Exercise

Use the App to track your food, physical activities, and nutrients. Use the barcode scanner. Log ahead of time for better planning and scheduling.

Reach Your Goals

Monitor your daily progress, check your weight loss forecast, and receive ongoing advice and feedback. Learn more about nutrients in your diet and make better choices.

Top Rated
Calorie Counter App

“This is my favorite food diary app. I used six of the "top" apps in this category for several days so that I could compare them and select what worked best for me. MyNetDiary was the winner. Intuitive, simple layout, decent database, appealing graphic design, and no ads.”
See More Testimonials

Hundreds of easy recipes, with great
variety, carefully crafted for great taste by a team of Registered Dietitians.


Massive food catalog, fastest barcode
scanner, quickest food lookup making food tracking a breeze

Insights and

Encouraging and supportive feedback,
guiding you to your goal.

More Features

Being Healthy Has Never Been Easier

4 Tips showing how to get back on track with your diet and exercise routine

With work deadlines, a stacked social calendar, or food-filled weekends, it’s no wonder that we need some know-how to get back on track with diet and exercise. But, no matter the reason, falling off track happens to all of us from time t...

Do you really need 10,000 average daily steps?

The health benefits of increasing your daily steps begin well below 10,000 average daily steps. Let us walk you through what the research shows.

Do you know how much added sugar you consume per day? Here's how to find out if you are eating too much

You may crave and enjoy sweets, but too much added sugar per day can interfere with meeting your health goals. Learn what counts as added sugar and how much is too much.

How to plan your calories for weight loss or gain with MyNetDiary

Good news! You can stop guessing how many calories you need and let a clever little device do your calorie planning for you. When you guess what you need, you may consume too few or too many calories, preventing you from meeting your goa...

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