Falling off-track? Here are 4 tips to get you back on track with your diet and exercise routine

  • 2 Minutes Read
Joanna Kriehn
Joanna Kriehn, MS, RDN, CDCES - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

With work deadlines, a stacked social calendar, or food-filled weekends, it's no wonder that we need some know-how to get back on track with diet and exercise. But, no matter the reason, falling off track happens to all of us from time to time. These four strategies will help you regain momentum in no time.

How to get back on track with diet and exercise

Tip # 1: Pay attention to your thoughts when wanting to get back on track with diet and exercise

Falling off track can happen gradually over a series of meals, missed workouts, or a lapse in logging. Early warning signs that you are losing momentum often include a change in how you think about your food or eating plan. Here are some common thinking errors or thought distortions. Any of these sound familiar?

Critical self-talk serves a function. These thoughts help us feel safe and comfortable and shelter us from disappointment. Unfortunately, they also prevent us from finding creative ways to change our behavior and learn from our mistakes.

To get back on track with diet and exercise, look at how to challenge your inner critic, such as:

Tip #2: Do you focus enough attention on your goals?

Focusing too much attention on other people's problems leaves you with less time and energy for your own healthy lifestyle. If you are losing sleep, skipping workouts, or missing meals because you are solving others' problems, you are setting the stage for losing ground with your diet and exercise routine. Worthwhile self-care involves making time for yourself, doing things you enjoy, getting enough sleep, fitting in physical activity, and generally taking care of YOU!

Tip #3: Employ positive coping techniques when under stress

Finding healthy ways to respond to stress can help prevent derailment with your diet and exercise goals. Instead of turning to food or drink to unwind, experiment with other ways to manage stress. For example, many people find yoga, deep breathing, or walking in nature as healthy and rejuvenating ways to manage day-to-day stress. For other ideas, click here.

Tip #4: Check your progress on the scale

Do you avoid the scale when you derail your eating plan? It is human nature to intentionally avoid weighing yourself if you anticipate an unfavorable number on the scale. Yet, research shows that regular weighing can be helpful when it comes to managing weight over the long term.

Research from the National Weight Control Registry showed that individuals who successfully managed their weight over time were honest with themselves when it came to the scale. In fact, nearly 75% of the registrants weighed themselves at least once a week.

Take a deep breath, practice some positive affirmations, and try checking your progress on the scale. Many people find even with lapses in their diet and exercise routine, they don't gain as much as they had feared. If you find that checking your weight doesn't support your efforts to get back on track, find other ways to measure progress such as tracking exercise or body measurements.

Occasional setbacks are a normal part of managing weight over the long term. Hopefully, these tips have provided you with new insight into what is essential for you to get back on track with your diet and exercise routine. You've got this!

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Oct 25, 2021
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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