How these MyNetDiary users achieved their weight loss success & what we can learn from them

  • 4 Minutes Read
Brenda Braslow
Brenda Braslow, MS, RDN, LDN, CDCES - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

Want to know how other MyNetDiary users achieved their weight loss success? Learn some helpful tips and tricks for losing and maintaining weight from fellow MyNetDiary trackers!

How these MyNetDiary users achieved their weight loss success & what we can learn from them

I often tell people to learn from others, listen to the experts and rely on their own wisdom when creating a wellness plan. This blog is all about learning from others who have successfully changed their weight using the MyNetDiary tracker. The following amazing stories were shared with us by MyNetDiary members. I hope you find them inspirational and informative as you carve out your own unique weight management plan. Pick out tips and tricks that can help you achieve success. And remember, the MyNetDiary tracker can also be used to achieve other health goals, like building muscle and weight gain. Michael's story at the end of this blog is a great example of this.

Jay - making the numbers work for him

"My weight loss journey has been a bit more of a yo-yo over the years. I would go on unsustainable diets and then jump back in weight quickly hitting ever higher peak weights.

"I'm the kind of person who likes to see the results right away. What really caught my attention (and what clicked with me) with MyNetDiary was a single number - 3500. That's the number of calories in a pound of fat. Suddenly it all made sense from a math perspective. Budgeting calories every day is so vastly better than saying I can't have Wendy's. It's a budget where some things are expensive and others aren't.

"In the spring of 2018 I decided that 1lb of weight loss/ week was right for me. This allowed me to enjoy my favorite foods every now and then. Today I've lost 35/40 lbs I was working to lose and feel great.

"I also want to say when you start and that goal date looks so far away, remember you are going to feel good when you lose 5-10 lbs and it stays off!"

Graham - losing weight while staying in charge of his health

Meet Graham, an active individual with a plan to lose weight to ensure he's as light as possible for cycling, but not too light to avoid symptoms of his Patulous Eustachian Tube (PET).

To succeed with his weight loss, Graham focuses on buying the right food to make sure there are no temptations in the kitchen cupboards.

Graham has lost 27 lbs with MyNetDiary and was able to complete a 60 mile charity bike ride in a time of 4 hours. Way to go Graham!

Mikeinho - losing weight and getting healthy!

After medical testing showed elevated levels of Mikeinho's cholesterol, uric acid and blood pressure, he realized it was time to lose weight and get healthy.

The top tips that kept him motivated to stick to his plan:
1) Set goals
2) Plan your weight loss journey
3) Use a tracking app like MyNetDiary
4) Stay focused

Over the past 2 years, Mikeinho has lost almost 50lbs and is happy to say his blood levels have all balanced back out.

Cheri - sharing the secret to weight loss success with her husband

Cheri is down 15 lbs and has even passed the MyNetDiary app on to her husband to help him lose weight. As first-time grandparents, this couple shares their health goals to lose weight and gain energy so they can do activities with their grandchild.

Joseph - tracking for fitness, health, and happiness

Joseph is a 40-year-old fitness trainer who's made some dietary and lifestyle changes as prevention for his own family after his father passed away from cancer.

He's learned throughout his progress and personal training platform that a food and fitness tracker not only helps him stick to his own goals, but it helps his clients stick to their goals as well.

Through food and fitness, Joseph has reached his weight goal of 174 lbs, has lowered his blood pressure and cholesterol, and feels healthy and happy! 

Sara - tracking to successfully shed the baby weight

"After I had my second baby, I was living on coffee and sugar. I put on more weight after I had my baby than I had through my entire pregnancy. Just before her 1st birthday I was at breaking point. I didn't want to leave the house as I was so embarrassed about how I looked. So I looked in the App Store for something that could help me track my food and how much I was eating a day. I came across MyNetDiary and downloaded the free version. I found it so easy to use, and loved that I could put everything in the metric system, i.e. kjs instead of calories. So with using the app to track my food, and working out a couple times a week I lost 15kg over 4 months and kept it off for almost 2yrs. If I ever feel like I'm going off track or need to lose a couple of kgs I know I can open the app and hit my goals."

Chels - MyNetDiary custom tools and dashboard make sense to her

"I've been using MyNetDiary throughout my weight loss journey and it's the only app that has made sense to me. The dashboard gets to the point and shows all the data I'm looking for. My favorite part about MyNetDiary is the fact that is saves my data so I don't have to search and search for foods I've already eaten. Meal prep has been super important throughout my journey and I like that I can just swipe to copy my lunch from the day before. Saves me so much time! Tracking can be such a pain but it's pretty easy when the app customizes itself to you. So far I'm 55 lbs down and can't wait to see where I can get to! I've used MyNetDiary for 6 years now and I highly recommend it!"

Michael - using the tracker to gain muscle and weight

"I've always been kinda skinny and always had trouble packing on good weight and it was mostly through me not really knowing what I was doing calorie wise. And ever since I got this app less than a month ago I've already packed on a few pounds of good muscle and I'm really happy with where my progress is taking me For sure my most recommended app above any other. It's the most helpful and most comprehensive one I've ever tried and I intend to never get rid of it even once I've reached me goal."

All I can say is way to go people, hats off to you, and thanks so much for sharing your story!

Do you have a story that you'd like to share with the MyNetDiary community? Send us an email, jump on MyNetDiary community forum or tag @mynetdiary to be featured.

Weight Loss->Family & Friends Weight Loss->Weight Loss Tips & Quips
Oct 22, 2019
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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