Brew up some health benefits from different types of tea
- 2 Minutes Read
When you explore different types of warm, cozy tea, you can also enjoy a side of their health benefits. Are there slimming side effects of drinking tea, too? We’ll break it down for you.
Even though the name tea is given to a lot of brews, purists only consider black, green, oolong, and white tea as the real thing because they all originate from the same plant called Camellia sinensis, native to China and India. Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, or rooibos are often called infusions. An infusion or herbal tea comes from the leaves, buds, flowers, seeds, and roots of other plants.
Different types of tea contain more antioxidants than infusions, so their benefits are more significant than herbal teas. Since white and green teas are less processed, they contain more antioxidants than oolong and black teas. Herbal teas have lower amounts of antioxidants because the chemical composition varies greatly among different plants.
Drinking tea has been viewed as a healthy habit for centuries. Now, health research is providing us with some evidence. Clinical and population studies show tea consumption may reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis and may benefit brain health. In addition, all teas contain a group of antioxidants called polyphenols that can help promote health.
Tea is a calorie-saving replacement for a sugary beverage. When used to replace a sugary drink, tea can decrease calories and help you lose weight. The caffeine in tea may provide a small boost in metabolism but is likely insignificant.
Are you prone to stress or emotional eating? Pausing to sip a soothing cup of tea will help you become mindful. Such a break allows you to ask yourself if you are really hungry and may help prevent you from impulsively eating to soothe yourself.
Drinking a cup of tea is a tasteful way to get more fluids in your day. Squeeze lemon into your tea to add a splash of vitamin C.
If you hit an afternoon slump at work, a cup of tea may help increase your energy level. One of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue. The caffeine and the fluids will give you an energy boost.
Harvested differently than green tea, matcha tea has become quite trendy in coffee shops and health stores. It contains nutrients from the entire tea leaf and more polyphenols and caffeine than green tea. Matcha is a fine powder that is highly concentrated, and so has a unique taste and bright green color. Drinking plain matcha tea is an acquired taste. There are many creative recipes using matcha–just be mindful of the added calories from the additional ingredients.
Decaffeinated tea may lose polyphenols, depending on the processing method. Choose the effervescence method using water and carbon dioxide to retain the most polyphenols. Check the package or contact the manufacturer to find out the method used.
Try different types of tea for not only soothing refreshment but also their health benefits–from the polyphenols to aiding your weight-loss efforts! As with anything, moderation is key. Enjoying a few cups of tea daily is a win-win!
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Original contributions by Martha Henze
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