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What is the role of cobalt in the body?

Cobalt is a vital “trace” mineral. It forms a part of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. Vitamin B12 is essential for producing red blood cells, making DNA, and supporting nerve health. Insufficient vitamin B12 could lead to anemia and nerve damage.

Cobalt sources

Cobalt is found in foods that are rich in vitamin B12. The best sources include animal products like meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. For those who don’t eat animal products or B12-fortified foods, B12 supplements are essential to avoid deficiency. Eating a balanced diet with enough vitamin B12 is generally sufficient.

How much cobalt do I need?

There are no official recommendations for cobalt intake. Estimates of average intake in adults range from 5-50 mcg daily. The health risks of inadequate cobalt are related to vitamin B12 deficiency, which manifests as anemia, fatigue, and impaired brain and nerve function.

Risks of excess cobalt

Although cobalt is essential for human health, excessive dietary and environmental exposure can be toxic. High levels can cause issues like thyroid problems and heart damage. You are unlikely to consume excess cobalt from food alone.

When considering a dietary supplement, it is best to meet cobalt needs from vitamin B12 rather than from a separate cobalt supplement.

Aug 1, 2023
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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