Have you been dieting and exercising but not losing weight? Try these proven plateau solutions

  • 3 Minutes Read
Katherine Isacks
Katherine Isacks, MPS, RDN Registered Dietitian

If you have been dieting and exercising but not losing weight, don't throw in the towel! Instead, take a minute to read about some straightforward and effective techniques that will help get the scale moving again.

dieting and exercising but not losing weight

Dieting and exercising but not losing weight?

Perhaps the toughest part of any weight-loss journey is overcoming the inevitable weight-loss plateau, known as consecutive weeks of staying at the same weight while putting forth the effort.

We’ve compiled a variety of plateau-busting suggestions below. Try one or combine a few to see what gets the scale moving for you.

Weight-Loss Plateau Solutions

Stay on top of tracking

Did you know that consistently tracking what you eat and drink is a proven weight-loss technique? In fact, individuals who completed daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t keep track.

If you’re going to put in the time and energy to track using MyNetDiary, these tips will help to increase accuracy:

Review your records

Just as a detailed spending plan wouldn’t be as useful if you never reviewed it, the same goes for a tracking plan. After a week or so of tracking what you eat and drink, examine your records. Look for relationships between food and nutrient intake, exercise, and weight loss. MyNetDiary will generate custom reports to help you see how your choices impact your weight.

Set a reasonable weight-loss goal and time frame

You will be more successful in achieving your ultimate long-term weight goal if you break it into smaller goals. For example, if you eventually want to lose 40 pounds, start with a smaller goal: "lose 5% of my weight."

Did you know that a loss of 5-7% of your body weight can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes? If you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, ask yourself if the original goal was unrealistic, and consider making a manageable adjustment.

When determining how fast you should work to lose weight, we suggest setting a goal of losing between a half-pound and two pounds a week. Some evidence suggests that people who lose weight gradually are more successful at keeping it off over the long term. This method is also known to be safer.

Eat regularly or switch your meal timing

Eating regular meals helps regulate your blood sugar and prevents you from getting overly hungry, or worse, "hangry." When you become too hungry, it becomes more challenging to control your portions. High-calorie/high-fat foods tempt you as the body searches for quick energy.

Some people succeed at breaking a weight-loss plateau by changing their eating schedule. If you tend to eat a greater proportion of your calories at night, consider switching to eating a larger breakfast and a lighter dinner without evening snacks.

Or try experimenting with limiting the hours in which you eat during the day, often referred to as time-restricted eating or intermittent fasting. Check out this article to learn more about the impact of meal timing on weight loss.

Prioritize non-starchy veggies and protein

Non-starchy veggies

Non-starchy vegetables are naturally low in calories, yet high in vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. Many people find if they make an effort to eat at least 2 vegetable servings at every meal, including breakfast, they end up feeling full on fewer calories. The serving size for non-starchy vegetables is ½ cup cooked or one cup raw.


Meeting your protein needs each day is essential for weight loss. Since protein foods take longer to digest than carbohydrates, you will likely stay full longer if you eat some protein at each meal. Aim for about 20 grams of protein per meal from various sources: lean meat, fish/seafood, poultry, legumes, eggs, and dairy, for example.

Protein resources:

Get adequate sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation affects appetite and stress hormone production, which also affects caloric intake and physical health.

For more information on sleep:
Sleep and weight: What’s the connection?


Exercise is not just about burning calories; it helps improve overall health and reduces risks for chronic disease, especially type 2 diabetes. If you are able, strive to do some cardiovascular activity every day. In addition, add some kind of strength training three days a week to help preserve muscle while you lose weight.

Exercise resources

Stay motivated

Your motivation to stay the course can dip if you’ve been dieting and exercising but not seeing results. Staying motivated to lose weight over a long period of time can be a challenge. What motivates you at the start of your weight loss journey may shift once you are six months or a year into your new lifestyle. Reflect on your motivations for living a healthy lifestyle, and talk with friends, family, or a professional counselor if you feel stuck.

Motivation resources:

You’ve got this!

If you have been dieting and exercising but not losing weight, do not give up! Take a deep breath, remind yourself how far you have come, and that you are worth the effort and energy it takes to lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy years of better health ahead.

To gain support and connect with others who are working hard to lose weight, check out our Community on the app.

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Reviewed and updated by Sue Heikkinen on June 8, 2024.

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Weight Loss->Plateau (Weight Stall)
Jun 28, 2024
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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