Building healthy habits: 8 tips for setting up your environment for success

  • 2 Minutes Read
Amy Brownstein, MS, RDN

Did you know the key to building healthy habits is creating an environment for success? Learn strategies to set up your environment to support your health goals and make healthy choices the default.

Building healthy habits

How to use your space for building healthy habits

After a long day at work, ordering takeout is easier than cooking a meal. But calories from takeout or late-night pantry snacks add up fast, affecting your health and weight-loss goals. However, it is possible to harness your environment to support your goals with our eight reasonable strategies.

1. Make healthy foods visible

One of the easiest ways to encourage healthier eating habits is by making nutritious foods more visible and accessible. Store fruits and vegetables at eye level in the fridge and keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter. When healthy options are the first thing you see, you’re more likely to reach for them instead of less healthy alternatives.

2. Out of sight, out of mind

On the flip side, keep less healthy foods out of sight. Clear the cookies, chips, and other highly processed snacks from your home. If they're a must among the family, store them in opaque containers on high shelves. Better yet, limit the junk food you bring into your home. The less you see these foods, the less you’ll think about them, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating plan.

3. Use smaller plates and bowls

The size of your dinnerware can significantly impact how much you eat. Use smaller dishes to trick your mind into feeling satisfied with smaller portions, which can help you manage your calorie intake more effectively.

Alternatively, aim to keep food within an imaginary one-inch border around your plate, but don’t stack the food!

4. Create a dedicated eating space

Designating a specific eating area free from distractions can help you practice mindfulness during meals. Avoid eating in front of the TV or at your desk, which encourages mindless snacking and overeating. Instead, create a calm, pleasant environment where you can focus on your food and savor your meals, helping you stay in tune with your hunger cues.

5. Plan your meals ahead of time

As you consider building healthy habits, consider meal planning which is an excellent way to take control of your diet and ensure healthy options are readily available. Set aside weekly time to plan your meals, make a grocery list, and prep ingredients. Planning reduces the likelihood of resorting to unhealthy convenience foods when time is short or you're too tired to cook.

Pack foods ahead of time to make the healthier choice easier. Include vegetables, protein, and whole grains for a filling and satisfying lunch or dinner. Place prepped foods in grab-n-go containers or dishes to quickly get what you need and enjoy.

6. Make it easy

Make sticking with your goals easy. Consider your food preferences and the time you have to prepare meals. Partially prepared foods, pre-cut ingredients, and frozen and canned products cut meal preparation time, making it easier to stay on track. Look for low-sodium options, and be mindful of sneaky added sugars when you shop.

7. Use technology to your advantage

Technology can be a powerful ally in your weight-loss journey. Use apps like MyNetDiary and gadgets to set reminders to move, track your food intake, or monitor your progress. Setting up these cues can prompt such healthy behaviors as taking a break from the computer with a walk or reminding you to stay on track with your eating plan.

MyNetDiary integrates with Siri to set alarms for reminders to eat, meal prep, or exercise.

8. Develop healthy habits with routines

Routines can help solidify healthy behaviors into habits. Try to eat meals and snacks at the same times each day, and set a consistent exercise schedule. Soon, these routines become "automatic"–building and maintaining healthy habits without thinking about them.

Your environment can support these routines with the right cues, like keeping your gym bag by the door or setting a regular mealtime.

As with any new habits, start small and gradually build. For example, move the fruit from your refrigerator to the kitchen countertop. Schedule time to find recipes and meal prep. Use the MyNetDiary App to find recipes for easy and nutritious meals and set alarms for meal prep.

Building healthy habits using your available resources and environment will encourage their permanent place in your everyday life.

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Meal Planning & Diets->Healthy Eating Weight Loss->Behavior
Sep 9, 2024
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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