Dietitian and Epidemiologist — With an eye for data and a heart for people
Writer for Nutrition, Health and Wellness
Whole gamut of the lifespan. Experience includes nutrition education and consulting for:
- Pregnant Women, Infants and Children (WIC program)
- Science Chefs: Kitchen Chemistry with Edible Results for kids in 1st - 4th grades
- Caregivers of people with disabilities
- Community College Instructor in Nutrition and Wellness
- Director of Food Service at a rural long term facility with hospital/homecare
- Seniors Clinic Dietitian & Cooking Class Instructor for people 75 years and older
- Lived in Europe 5 years: 4 years in Germany and 1 year in Spain
- Active in the American Overseas Dietetic Association
Martha is a new empty nester and an avid traveler who tries to find a cooking school with her husband in whatever country they find themselves.
She does not jump onto the latest nutrition or diet fad, but instead she believes in “moderation and variety” as the way to a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
While teaching a TASTE cooking class recently, one of Martha’s students remarked, “I didn’t know that eating healthy could taste so good.” As Martha always reminds her nutrition clients, “Never forget the joy of eating!”